happiness is an old card catalog January 4, 2008

Thanks so much for the nice comments and emails about my new craft room! I’m so excited to have more work space, but almost more so to get the big stuff I don’t use everyday stashed in the basement, and out of my way — so I’m not navigating around bolts of fabric or bins of lip balm supplies to get to my sewing machine (which was an everyday menace in our old place). Since the room is so big, it’s actually going to be dual-purpose and the shelves and work tables will be for crafting, while the area closer to the door will be dedicated to other stuff (more on this later when I get things set up and can show photos).

I’m slowly but surely plugging away at reorganizing and putting things away, and after a couple of years of looking on eBay and scouring Portland craigslist I spotted a vintage card catalog section this week. I’m so excited! I have always wanted one and the ones I found online were usually pick-up only or $100 shipping from the East Coast or Midwest. And this one was just twenty minutes away!

My new (old) card catalog!

I am going to relabel it soon once I figure out exactly what will be in each drawer (Tricia’s card catalog-turned-craft-wonderland has always been super inspiring) but in the meantime I really liked this random little alphabetical trainwreck:

Trouble to Twentieth Century

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