cupcakes and champagne on a Tuesday August 7, 2007

Today is our second wedding anniversary! Of course I had to cut my workday a bit short to pick up a few things… since we had champagne and cupcakes at our wedding, it just wouldn’t be an anniversary without them.

champagne and cupcakes

So instead of crafty recommendations, I’ll mention my favorite places for wedding-anniversary-worthy treats: definitely Saint Cupcake (I love their minis especially), and for champagne (well, Willamette Valley sparkling wine in this case) I like the old standards, Whole Foods or New Seasons, depending on which neighborhood I’m in. And speaking of weddings, if you happen to have some cash burning a hole in your pocket and you’re looking for the right organization to donate to, I’m partial to Lambda Legal.

Tonight will probably be pretty low-key since it’s in the middle of the work week, we are just going out to Screen Door for dinner… but as of Wednesday afternoon we will be on mini-vacation — back up to Mt. Hood for a quick two days. I’m so excited. Of course we will both be working the whole time (the cabin has DSL) but in between projects we can go hiking and soak in the cedar hot tub — yay!

p.s. Thanks for the curtains love yesterday! Here’s one more photo of them without daylight streaming through this time, so you can see the single branches instead of the ghost pattern.

Ikea curtains at night

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