thankful November 29, 2008

Our Thanksgiving was really nice, and I hope yours was too — things were very relaxing and low-key all day and then we headed over to a big potluck dinner with friends later on. I made salmon with chanterelles and leeks and a big pan of vegetarian stuffing, and we got to try about a zillion other delicious things people brought, too. The four-day weekend has some pockets of work here and there but this is the most time off we’ve had together in months, probably since the week Pearl was born, come to think of it. So I have a lot of things to be thankful for.

I’m thankful for Andrew and my precious Pearl and having some nice hours to spend with them, for my family far away, and for cell phones so I can catch up with them all; I’m thankful for my dear crafty friends and the pleasure of reading and seeing all the cool things they’re up to; and I’m very grateful that people want to stop by sometimes to read about what I’m doing, which is a huge compliment. Thank you for reading my little blog in the sea of cool colorful craft blogs! I am thankful for our home and that we have enough to eat when I know that some of our neighbors don’t, and very thankful that there are organizations that work hard to help those who need it that we can support. And I’m thankful that after some scares this year, my family is healthy. I have had other years that have gone differently and I don’t take it for granted.

So, on that note, I wanted to pass on something that’s dear to my heart today. My friend Linda has organized a fantastic fundraiser to benefit her sister Ann’s family while her brother-in-law Jasenn fights kidney cancer. Her Etsy shop, Hope for Jasenn, has a really lovely array of crafty gifts from lots of people in this community, with more on the way. Linda says, “100% of the profits from every item sold in this shop will be donated to Jasenn, Ann and Tegue to help with their everyday expenses. All of the items in this shop have been donated by generous crafters and friends, and I’d love to show my sister’s family just how supportive we crafty folks can be.”

Hope for Jasenn

Linda has a beautiful crocheted hat and vintage bird brooch up for grabs, Kayte and Betsy have donated signed copies of their wonderful books Complete Embellishing and Knitting for Good, Nancy is offering one of her gorgeous handbags, and there are lots more things to browse — I have already done some shopping myself!

My mother is a four-time cancer survivor and it means a lot to me to be able to pass along a bit of support to others who face the same fight. So along with lots of other folks I have donated a signed copy of my book and two double sets of my new kits. If you happen to be interested in either of these things, please head over to Linda’s shop! Thanks so much.

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