Bead Simple giveaway at Tiny Choices! April 24, 2008

No baby yet, and I’m still chipping away at a tall stack of work that has been keeping me from posting (almost done, thank goodness), but I wanted to quickly mention that my lovely friends Jenn and Karina are offering up a copy of Bead Simple this week over at their fantastic blog, Tiny Choices! Just leave a comment on this entry by Monday, April 28, with a reuse idea for something you already own (there are some fun ones already) and you’re automatically entered to win. Yay, Tiny Choices!

Bead Simple

I am so out of it (I got a wicked migraine last night that I’m still slogging through the residue of… not fun at all) but I’ll be back with some actual photos and craft posts very soon. Really!

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