Eames love January 9, 2008

Maggie mentioned today that the post office is coming out with a set of stamps honoring Charles and Ray Eames this summer! I think they are absolutely gorgeous — I can’t wait to see them in person.

Charles & Ray Eames stamps

Eames Demetrios (of the Eames Office) says, “These stamps were designed by the remarkable Derry Noyes, who designs many of the stamps for the US Post Office. There is a wonderful familial connection there, as Derry is the daughter of Eli Noyes, who was an extremely close friend of Charles and Ray’s and the director of design at IBM.”

Eames, who is the author of An Eames Primer, also runs the DAS FilmFest and I watched his charming animated movie, “A Gathering of Elephants,” today for the first time. I won’t spoil it with too much description but it made me miss Los Angeles so much! It’s just the coolest thing — a herd of molded plywood elephants?! — and beautifully done.

Living in our midcentury house has made me more excited than ever about modern design, and seeing these gorgeous things has been a real treat today. Thanks so much to Charles and Ray Eames’ grandson, Eames Demetrios, for sharing this information with me, and for permission to use this image!

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