Happy birthday Etsy! June 15, 2007

Did you know that Etsy is turning two this month?

Etsy 2-Year Anniversary Party

I got to stop by the Etsy Labs yesterday, which was flat-out amazing — it’s such a cool space and everyone is super nice. It seriously made me want to move here so I can come to their craft nights and hang out with Julian all the time. And I’m excited about their party tonight too… they’re ready to celebrate the big anniversary with everyone!

my birthday cupcake!

If you’re in New York, come by this evening for all kinds of fun stuff. Here’s all the info and directions — don’t forget to RSVP by dropping a line to rsvp@etsy.com. Hope to see you there!

I can’t believe it’s almost Renegade weekend too… wow. My head is spinning with all the cool crafty stuff going on.

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