goodbye SoCal, hello PNW April 27, 2007

Andrew and I are on the home stretch with nearly everything packed up, and I just had a lovely last trip to Ord Noodle with Cathy, and have a last naked lady party tonight at Jessica‘s (and I’m bringing four boxes of stuff over!). Tomorrow we’re driving the first chunk of the 1100 miles back home, and we’re hoping to be settled in our new Portland place by Monday afternoon with wireless all set up.

Los Angeles, I Love You

I’m alternating between a little teary and a lot excited, but while I’m still online and (relatively) together I just wanted to say how much I adore and appreciate all the awesome people I’ve met here in two years in Los Angeles: I never dreamed I’d love it as much as I do, and I’m really sad to leave.

But I know I’ll be back for plenty of visits… and in fact I just got some exciting news: I’ll get to write all about my favorite things in L.A. for the Around the World in 80 Girls column in the next-next issue of BUST! That’s a very nice going-away present. Thank you for giving me so many things to love here.

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