Pamela Barsky’s amazing sample sale this weekend! February 23, 2007

Cathy of California just took me over to Pamela Barsky‘s sample sale — she’s making deals on all of her discontinued journals and cute gift-y stuff from past lines, and I picked up some instant favorites…

Three Pamela Barsky journals

Love these three. I might be able to part with one as a gift, but I always need a notebook and these are such a perfect size. The silk-scarf one is especially cool.

Pamela Barsky dinner parties journal

I couldn’t resist this dinner parties journal — and can’t wait to use it, either…

I’ve always loved Pamela’s designs, so it was so nice to meet her and really fun to see tons of her work in person. Nothing is more than $4, and she’s continuing the sale all weekend, so be sure to go if you can! It’s also tomorrow and Sunday from 8-2, at 616 North Curson St, just south of Melrose, between Fairfax and LaBrea — more info here.

On the way, Cathy took me to French General, which was just the most exquisite place, tucked away on a side street right in the busy epicenter of Hollywood — I had no idea. I’m definitely going back when I have more time to browse all the entrancing little beads, buttons, and collectibles: dozens of gorgeous apothecary jars full of charming trinkets, arranged by color, that I just wanted to hang out with for hours.

French General

After Pamela Barsky‘s sale, we went to Delilah to meet Jenny for lunch and chocolate cake. Next time I need to get there earlier to conduct my Los Angeles cupcakes research, since they’d run out of a lot of stuff by the time we showed up. Everything was pretty delicious though, so no complaints from me.

Delilah Bakery

And of course Pink Craftie came along to hang out with us…

Pink Craftie at Delilah Bakery

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