Chronicle Books in San Francisco January 12, 2007

When Andrew and I were at Yerba Buena yesterday he spotted the Chronicle Books shop… the perfect stop-over between the craft museum and SF MOMA. It was just like walking through their beautiful website but seeing everything in person, and getting to flip through the art books I’ve admired online, was so much better. I was instantly drawn to the craft kits and stationery tables, and could have spent hours and hundreds of dollars there, but I limited myself to a vintage-style birthday book (seemed fitting, and I liked my birthday fortune) and a Nancy Drew notebook for my handbag.

Chronicle Books in San Francisco

I’m definitely coming back next time I’m here — it’s such a great shop. Plus it’s right by the art center and the museums, and you can read your new purchases in the pretty park.

If you go:

Chronicle Books store
101 4th St., San Francisco

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